Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Since this is the last week of school, I'll show you what my experiences were as a blogger. Well first of all, it was fun and interesting. I got to explore the world of cyberspace. I got to see new blogs and mess around with the program. You know, it feels pretty exciting to write something about that the whole world can see. I try to be a fun person in my writing.
In order for me to become a good blogger, I went and looked at some blogs. I looked at cake wrecks which was funny and 1000 awesome things, which was interesting. These are my two favorite blogs because they had the two main things I wanted in my blog. Funny and interesting
Well since this is the last week of school, i want to end fresh. So I'm sure that I won't blog during vacation. I want to enjoy my vacation and become empty minded .

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay I'm so excited because we only need 6 more days of school and then... VACATION!!!!!!!

Advice Column (Book Hunting)

If a student came to me and ask me what books I recommended to him. Well. since he wants to reach 1/2 a million by the end of this month , I'll recommend some pretty hard and long books. First book I want to recommend is The Fire Within. I found this book beacause it was a book I read before. It's a combination of a mystery and adventure so I bet you'll enjoy it. I would aslo recommend to you Stormbreaker. This book is a great adventure book. It's like a kid friendly agent 007. This book has action and adventure and a touch of mystery. I believe you'll enjoy htis book. These are the best beacause they are interesting to me. Anything interesting to me is a good book..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Look!!

1110110100010 has taken a new look and color. Feel a new expireince on this blog starting today this blog has a new color and template. FEEL DA DIFFRENCE!

Advice Colunm (Library Prepareness)

O oh, murphy is on a meeting and rodriguez is on vacation so who will help us? Cristina!! Sadly she is sick so we have a sub. What four things we can do to prepare the library for the next day? Well this is what I think we have to do:
1. Clean up the Library- leave the library in tip-top shape so the next day it'll be read to do about,
2. Turn of the computers- We don't want to waste electricity, do we?
3. Turn of the lights- same as 2.
and finally...
4. Lock the doors- we don't want to be stolen do we? aslo it's the most important thing to do. we also don't want to forget the keys and get us locked out!