Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Since this is the last week of school, I'll show you what my experiences were as a blogger. Well first of all, it was fun and interesting. I got to explore the world of cyberspace. I got to see new blogs and mess around with the program. You know, it feels pretty exciting to write something about that the whole world can see. I try to be a fun person in my writing.
In order for me to become a good blogger, I went and looked at some blogs. I looked at cake wrecks which was funny and 1000 awesome things, which was interesting. These are my two favorite blogs because they had the two main things I wanted in my blog. Funny and interesting
Well since this is the last week of school, i want to end fresh. So I'm sure that I won't blog during vacation. I want to enjoy my vacation and become empty minded .

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay I'm so excited because we only need 6 more days of school and then... VACATION!!!!!!!

Advice Column (Book Hunting)

If a student came to me and ask me what books I recommended to him. Well. since he wants to reach 1/2 a million by the end of this month , I'll recommend some pretty hard and long books. First book I want to recommend is The Fire Within. I found this book beacause it was a book I read before. It's a combination of a mystery and adventure so I bet you'll enjoy it. I would aslo recommend to you Stormbreaker. This book is a great adventure book. It's like a kid friendly agent 007. This book has action and adventure and a touch of mystery. I believe you'll enjoy htis book. These are the best beacause they are interesting to me. Anything interesting to me is a good book..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Look!!

1110110100010 has taken a new look and color. Feel a new expireince on this blog starting today this blog has a new color and template. FEEL DA DIFFRENCE!

Advice Colunm (Library Prepareness)

O oh, murphy is on a meeting and rodriguez is on vacation so who will help us? Cristina!! Sadly she is sick so we have a sub. What four things we can do to prepare the library for the next day? Well this is what I think we have to do:
1. Clean up the Library- leave the library in tip-top shape so the next day it'll be read to do about,
2. Turn of the computers- We don't want to waste electricity, do we?
3. Turn of the lights- same as 2.
and finally...
4. Lock the doors- we don't want to be stolen do we? aslo it's the most important thing to do. we also don't want to forget the keys and get us locked out!

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Student Tour

First of all welcome new student to the library. Today we will begin to teach you the basics of working in the library. First lets start on taking you on a tour of the library. We will show you the back counter and were's the to do list. Today you should learn how we do the clean up. During the clean up we well, clean up the library. We straighted up the book shelves, push in the chairs, pick up pieces of paper, and clean the reshelving carts. Also we will show you how to check out books and shelve easy fiction and supernatural fiction. All that on the first day. These are the main first things I showed her because these are the things we do daily. Without that she will be doing vertually nothing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

R's Comments (Book Review Sites)

I went and got a glimpsed of book review sites such as YA Book Central, Teen Reads, and Reading Rants. I first looked at YA and what i liked about it was that it had a search egine to search for other book reviews based on title or author. Also I believe it was Reading Rants that had a country style background. Anyways I saw that Teen Reads had a review on Diary of a Wimpy Kid and it was pretty interesting. so that's it.