Monday, March 29, 2010

New Student Tour

First of all welcome new student to the library. Today we will begin to teach you the basics of working in the library. First lets start on taking you on a tour of the library. We will show you the back counter and were's the to do list. Today you should learn how we do the clean up. During the clean up we well, clean up the library. We straighted up the book shelves, push in the chairs, pick up pieces of paper, and clean the reshelving carts. Also we will show you how to check out books and shelve easy fiction and supernatural fiction. All that on the first day. These are the main first things I showed her because these are the things we do daily. Without that she will be doing vertually nothing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

R's Comments (Book Review Sites)

I went and got a glimpsed of book review sites such as YA Book Central, Teen Reads, and Reading Rants. I first looked at YA and what i liked about it was that it had a search egine to search for other book reviews based on title or author. Also I believe it was Reading Rants that had a country style background. Anyways I saw that Teen Reads had a review on Diary of a Wimpy Kid and it was pretty interesting. so that's it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Advice Column (Sexual Health)

For those 7th graders that need to learn about sexual themes, but are embarrased to ask where to get websites, here are some tips that may help you get what you need. First of all go to the school website, then click on the link LIBRARY. After you clicked the link, now click on the link that says LINKS after, change the section and pick HEALTH AND YOUR BODY a then whala! Now choose any of those links and start working on your project. I strongly recommend Teen's Health, Teen Source, and Teen Wire. On Teen's source, click on Drugs and Alcohol and there you have folks. These are the best sources because they give good information and are not afraid to show some stuff. Hope this has been good help

Friday, March 12, 2010

Game Rating: (Uncharted 2: Among Thieves)

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Developer: Naughty Dog

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

Go on a quest to find the lost fleet of Marco Polo and find surprises along the way. Uncharted Drake's Fortune was the best looking game on the PS3 system, that is until Uncharted 2 came. Now with more characters, more content, more length, and online gaming, Uncharted 2 now gives us the best looking game on the PlayStation 3.

Graphics- Uncharted 2 Among Thieves has the best looking graphics than any game. In fact it won Best Graphics at the VGA. Also there are many things the AI does. For example, he covers his face in hot temperatures/ near fire. Also when Drake walks in the snow it kind of like a magic trick.

Online Gaming- One of the most addicting online gaming I've seen. You are going to spend hours and hours playing death matches or co-op. With long missions you are really going to have a blast. That's all i got to say about it. Anyways heres the score

Graphics: 10

Online Gaming: 9.4

Total: 9.7

Monday, March 8, 2010

R's Comments

Which one is better? First of all they are not my, should I say, favorite authors. So I didn't find them appealing as much as the fans of these authors. What can I say? Different Tastes? Anyways I preferred (please don't hate me fans of the other author) Anthony Horowitz's site. One of the only reasons I liked this site was because the colors of the site. It has cool colors, colors can change somebody's opinion. I preffer blue and green than purple and green. Also Horowitz's site has good advertisement. I mean once you first see the site, the advertisement really captures your eye. I'm talking about the Crocodile Tears advertisement. A great advertisement. If you don't want to take my word for it, go the sites listed above and see for yourselef.