Monday, February 22, 2010

R's Comments (author's assignment)

Book Title: Heroes a Novel

Author: Robert Cormier

Summary: This book is about a veteran that earned a Silver Star of Honor

but he wants to kill his childhood hero. Although he is only 18 he has no face, no eyes and no ears. He believes his act of courage is an act of murder.

Review: anyways this book has been a charming read. It has some moments of mystery, some intense moments, and some relief moments. To be honest this book was an okay experience because of...


the narrator talking too much about his girlfriend. Like about half the book is about him talking about his girlfriend. Also because of his girlfriend, he wants to kill his hero. If they talk less about the girlfriend and more about the killing, it might of been a good.

Recommendation: If you don't like my review but think the book is interesting go check out the book yourself

Thursday, February 18, 2010

R's Comments (Student Led Conference)

It's Thursday, Febuary 18, the day of Student Led Confrences. First of all, if you want to know if I'm going, well, I'm not. I'm going to take the bus home and chillax or play vidoe games. Any ways, for those of you that are I honestly feel sorry for but look in the bright side, if you go to the library they are giving away free books. Yes I'm advertising for the library. Go to the Library and Take Free Books! Yeah! Also it would be better if it was parent confrences because parent are going to ask questions anyways on student led confrences and expect the teachers to give them a speech about how thier kid is doing. Well that's all i got to say so good luck kids

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

R's Comments (cake wrecks)

Before I say anything, just look at this photo labeled The Most Disturbing Cake Ever

Out of all the cake wrecks I've chosen this because it's hilarious, akward and most of all disturbing. I mean who would even take a bite out of this cake, seriously. It also looks so real to even take a bite out of it. Would you eat this cake? To bite or not to bite, that is the question. And to answer the question vote on my blog poll. If you take a look on this blog you'll probably enjoy it. Just click on the link Cake Wrecks

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Game Rating (lpb goty part 4: The Final Rating)

Summary: A magical game about imagination, sharing, and creating. Become your own sack person and customize him. Battle bosses and defeat the Collector. Play on created levels. Explore the world of Little Big Planet Game of the Year.
Wraping it all up: Content Rating- 9.8
Gameplay- 10
Story- 9.6
Total- 9.8

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

R's Comments (Bloggies Award)

Topic: To see what I'm talking about go to
Category: Best European Weblog
Comment: I believe "What's for Lunch, Honey" should win because, first of all, the title is catchy. Second of all the pictures look good enough to eat. This blog is also interesting because it has bizarre foods that you never heard about since this blog comes from Europe. I believe this one will win first. Chocolate & Zucchini second, and maybe Beligian Waffle third place. Well, that's all my comments for today guys. See ya later.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Game Rating (lbp goty part 3)

Content (in game)-In little big planet game there are 7 creator currators. Each creator has 6 of their own levels. Each level is unique with boss fights in some of them. There are 3 main levels and 3 challenge levels. The main levels are about the story, the challenge levels are like mini games. In some of them there are boss fights. In each one you'll need skill to defeat them some are easy, some are hard. Once you pass them you can go play one the Metal Gear Solid Pack. In the Metal Gear Solid Pack, there are 5 acts to pass. Overall there are many levels that are fun to rate. Come back next week and see the final rating in Game Rating (lbp goty part 4 the final rating).

R's Comments

1000 awsome things and Indexed are both good blogs. Out of both blogs the one I think is better is 1000 awesome things because its a funny blog and interesting. Some of the stuff I saw in that blog are awesome like seeing your hair fall out from a haircut and shooting paper into a trash can. If you want to check out this blog just click to the link 1000 awesome things. This is one blog I'll visit again.