Thursday, January 28, 2010

Game Rating (lbp goty part 2)

Content (customize)-(to make it more fun, talk in a british accent while reading this) In the featured game, you are a sack puppet. You can customize him anyway you have and in the game of the year version there are costume packs you can choose like history pack, monsters pack, animal pack and metal gear solid pack. In the metal gear solid pack you can dress him up as Scream or as Snake and look mad. In the monster pack you can dress him as dinosaurs and cause destruction or a more peaceful costume can be a penguin, yes you can dress him as a penguin or a gorilla or a lion in the animal pack. But you don't have to dress him in one the packs you can just dress him any way you like. For example, he can have a baseball hat or mask. Just let your imagination run wild and have a unique sack puppet. (part 3 to be continued)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Advice Column (Civil War Images)

To all 8th graders who are learning about the civil war and are looking for some images, I recommend to use the digital library (and google). A helpful site can be Facts on File. The steps to go to the images are: 1.go to the digital library on facts on file online on american history online search type civil war 5. click on the tab that says images and videos 6. click on the picture you like best. Hope this was helpful.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Game Rating (little big planet game of the year: part 1)

Intro-Little Big Planet is a game exclusively for the Playstation 3. It's about your own sackboy traveling the world to explore the imagination that people have. Along your way you meet 7 currator creaters like The King, Frida, The Collector and many more. Go on a journey of create. (part 2 to be continued)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Advice Column (Buddhism)

To all teachers who are going to teach their kids about Buddhism, here are some tips, well books actually and DVD's.

Appropiate books (non fiction): Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Books- Buddhism and World Religions Buddhism.

Appropiate DVD: Japan/India
Appropiate book (fiction): Buddha Boy
Well, that's all I got for you guys. Leave comments

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sneak Peak

My fellow bloggers stay tuned for fantastic upcoming posts like...
how to find a book about Buddhism
how to use the digital library
what's on my mind and

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Advice Column (books)

Student- "Excuse me but can you recommend me fiction books that are written as diaries"

Me-"Sure I'll recommend you the Diary of a Wimpy Series, which are a novel in cartoon, Rodrick's rules, and the last straw."
I found these books by their series. Also these books are very popular and are easy to find, hard to check out. Hope you enjoy these funny novels.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Welcome my fellow subjects to the grand opening of my blog called 1110110100010. Created by ricky. Well thats all I've got to say.

Copyright 2010
Creator- KRIQ
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